I dream of fishes

Hat-tip to Kurt for this one: www.coreyfishes.com is Corey Arnold's portfolio of images, many from his years fishing in Alaska.
Ah, shots like this:

...take me right back to the years I spent up there on the good ship Rainier. I can feel the cold dampness of that deck seeping into the soles of my Xtra Tuffs right now...
I find the Xtra Tuffs link especially comforting. I have a green pair myself. Yours? - Naomi "Anderson" Murphy (stumbled on your blog and couldn't help but explore a bit....)
ha! yeah, when I put "xtra tuffs" into google images and that came up I couldn't *not* link to it. who knew they made them in colors?
you should drop a line sometime - it'd be fun to catch up (brentUNDERSCORErorabackATyahoo)
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