get 'em Harry!

This is pretty crazy -- Harry Reid is going off!
From TPM:
"Sen. Reid just took the senate into closed session to discuss the body's failure to pursue 'phase two' of the senate intel investigation into the Iraq WMD intel failure."(link)
And follow-up from Washington Monthly:
"CLOSED SESSION....Huh? Harry Reid has shut down the Senate by invoking Rule 21 and placing the Senate into closed session to discuss the intelligence that led to war. What's up with that?Frist is pissed. Really pissed. Reid did this without warning him. So is this something real, or is it a way to get Libby and Fitzgerald back on the front page? Or was it deliberately designed to make Frist lose it?
Stay tuned.
UPDATE: Bill Schneider on CNN calls it a "full scale revolt" by Democrats. Here are the talking points emailed out by Reid's office..." (link)
Probably a stunt, but at least it's a good stunt.
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